From the start, our architectural philosophy has been to create designs concentrating on the building or project identity, without overlooking the location, and date of implementation. Of equal importance are considerations of function, simplicity of design and budget, sourcing local materials and labor wherever possible. In the majority of our projects, therefore, we have incorporated typical oriental architectural elements such as arches (pointed or round), the decorative use of wood (shanasheel and mashrabia), courtyards, domes, facing brick (plain and ornate)... etc
With the expansion of the practice, we extended the scope of our consultancy services, regularly practicing in local and international architectural competitions, and taking part in joint ventures with foreign firms. Our consultancy services are not limited to architectural design and supervision. We also carry out feasibility studies where required for projects, in particular for investors or donors.
For example, we were commissioned to carry out a UN joint venture with another firm preparing a comprehensive study of the water supply and electric power requirements for Iraq; this was presented to a donors’ conference held in Madrid in Nov. 2003.
Our design capability has expanded further enabling us to plan an urban housing scheme with associated infrastructure, e.g. water supply, sewage and water treatment plant, electric power generation, fire fitting, etc.
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